Wednesday, November 19, 2008

what must it be like...

to have a mommy and daddy always kissing you at the same time. one on each cheek. to have a zoe and a jakob fight over who gets to sit by you in the car. to always wake up smiley and sweet. to have a riley who is so concerned if you utter any type of discontented grumble. "you okay you okay you okay." to have a zoe who laughs and smiles at you even when you are pulling her hair. to have a mommy who will bark like a dog to make you laugh and keep you distracted in the midst of continuous diaper changes. to have a big brother who falls asleep asking about you, wakes up looking for you and goes to school missing you. to melt hearts with each "gah!". to have nothing to fear. to be thoroughly entertained splashing in the water, not caring in the least who the bath was intended for. to be adored by all clerks, tellers and sweet old ladies (not to mention the old men). to have no prejudices, few demands, and rare complaints. to make everyone around you happy just by being. to be max.